
Community Inclusion

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Community Inclusion

DAISI’s Community Inclusion program works to ensure individuals can confidently interact and engage service providers and community facilities, across a number of different areas, including workplaces, public areas, schools, institutions, and consumer-facing businesses. 

Often those members of our community who are disadvantaged, are illiterate or lack the know-how of how to access services are increasingly disconnected from their community and are at risk of falling further to the margins of society. Many aspects of our community are designed for non-disabled people, which inherently puts people living with a disability at a disadvantage. 

Over a six-week period, DAISI will assist participants make connections into their communities by facilitating introductions – which may include the local librarian, community garden, choir, nurse-practitioner, or member of the council. By ensuring individuals have the confidence and networks to access these services on an on-going basis, this will reduce the impact of social isolation and improve their physical and emotional wellbeing. 

Whilst we secured seed funding from the NSW government to develop the structure of the program, we are now seeking support to leverage this funding to create a community in which every person can fully participate in all aspects of society.